
Breast Cancer Statistics and Why Auria


1 in 8 women will develop invasive breast cancer in their lifetime

Source: American Cancer Society

Why Auria: Auria is the first at-home biological breast cancer screening test powered by tears, a powerful new tool for early detection.


50% of women miss recommended screening mammograms

Source: American Cancer Society

Why Auria: Auria's convenient home screening will help women prioritize their breast health and give them more information for their next mammogram and continued health journey.


Up to 50% of breast cancers are missed in women with dense breast tissue


Why Auria: Biological screening is not affected by breast tissue density. Auria can see through dense breasts, using the power of tears to see breast cancer clearly.


89% of breast cancers occur in women that have no family history

Source: National Library of Medicine

Why Auria: Genetic testing and genetic risk assessment has become more common, though it may give false comfort to women without family history. Auria's biological screening can be done by all women, and as a complement to genetic testing.


Early stage detection of breast cancer has a 5-year survival rate of 99%

Source: American Cancer Society

Why Auria: Biological breast cancer screening with Auria is a great tool for early detection for women starting at age 30.


More than 10% of new cases of breast cancer are diagnosed in women under 45

21,000 annual breast cancer deaths are in women under 45

Source: Radiology Society of North America

Why Auria: Auria is the only breast cancer screening test available for women starting at age 30.